150ha olive tree plantation

Linares (Jaén, Spain)

Pumping station

Multipump station with 56kW (2 pumps)

Solar generator

97kWp single-axis solar tracker


Pond filling and irrigation




DC Pumping Station & Controller

Operational records

Orbit 360 Data Logger

Real-Time remote-control

Pumping control and incident detection

Payback period

7 years

It´s an on-grid solar installation that feeds a deep well submersible pump and a horizontal pump. Bombeatec executed the turnkey project, which includes the installation of the solar trackers, the solar panels, the DC PUMPING STATION.

The system can work in hybrid mode, always prioritizing the energy obtained from the PV generator. Thanks to the solar pumping system, it has been possible to reduce the contracted power of the peak period (P1), from 60kW to 5kW (used for the farmhouse). The system can work in isolated mode during the peak period (P1), and work in hybrid mode in flat period (P2) and valley period (P3), achieving 24 hours irrigation in summer at an exceptionally low cost.

The system is autonomous thanks to the DC PUMPING CONTROLLER, which performs intelligent management of the system. The following functionalities can be noted:

  • Pump start/stop efficient management considering solar intermittency and cloud passages
  • Auxiliary energy source management: isolated or hybrid mode depending on Time of Use tariffs and contracted powers
  • Integrated trackers control
  • Mobile app for remote access